Purpose :
This FAQ is providing a simple way to change BMC sensor threshold on servers step-by-step.
Target Audience:
For users who are evaluating BMC threshold based sensors' behavior on ICVG platforms.
Requirement :
Environment with available ipmitool utility, or refer to following articles you may require.
How to approach BMC on Advantech CIoT platforms
How to setup BMC IP address via BIOS
* Advantech’s IANA Enterprise Number used for OEM commands is 002839h
* IANA = Internet Assigned Number Authority
Method :
This article could also help user who would like to adjust sensor threshold issues when system hit the criteria.
Refer to following format to modify sensor threshold
sensor thresh <id> <threshold> <setting>
id : name of the sensor for which threshold is to be set
threshold : which threshold to set
unr = upper non-recoverable
ucr = upper critical
unc = upper non-critical
lnc = lower non-critical
lcr = lower critical
lnr = lower non-recoverable
setting : the value to set the threshold to
sensor thresh <id> lower <lnr> <lcr> <lnc>
Set all lower thresholds at the same time
sensor thresh <id> upper <unc> <ucr> <unr>
Set all upper thresholds at the same time
e.g. Change PSU2_INTAKE-TMP threshold to followings
# ipmitool sensor thresh "PSU2_INTAKE-TMP" 50 60 70
For detail procedure, please refer to the attachment.
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