FWA-T011 has no BMC supported for updating BIOS remotely. AMI flash tool called "afu" is required for BIOS update on T011 instead. Following instruction will guide you how to flash FWA-T011 BIOS under UEFI shell.
Target Audience
User who needs to update BIOS on FWA-T011
Minimum requirement
1. Download AMI Firmware Update utilities from following link
AMI flashing utility Web: https://ami.com/en/?Aptio_V_AMI_Firmware_Update_Utility.zip
* here we use the utility - "AfuEfix64.efi" in folder \Aptio_V_AMI_Firmware_Update_Utility_5.13.00.05\AMI AFU for Aptio V\afu\afuefi\64
2. Contact Advantech perspective for latest BIOS file
3. Copy utility and BIOS file to an USB drive
1. Plug an USB drive and power on T011
2. Boot into BIOS menu and check current BIOS version (e.g. V1.00 as figure in below)
3. Go to Post & Boot page . Set "UEFI: Built-in EFI Shell" as 1st boot option --> Save & Exit
Or Go to "Save & Exit" page and choose "UEFI: Built-in EFI Shell" to override boot --> System will reboot immediately
4. Now you're in EFI Shell environment.
5. Mount your USB drive in Shell> prompt ; here my USB was detected as fs0
6. Get into the folder which contains utility and BIOS file (e.g. here i will update bios to v2.08)
6. Run command "AfuEfix64.efi T011000SS60V208.bin /p /n /x" as shown in figure in below
7. Few minutes later after the flash is completed
8. Restart the system and get into BIOS menu again
9. Shutdown the system and remove USB drive to complete BIOS update
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