This article show you how to upgrade the BIOS & BMC Firmware through AMI base BMC Web through browser.
1. No service impact in BMC F/W upgrade.
2. Need to reboot after BIOS F/W upgrade. The service will stop for a couple minutes.
Familiar with the AMI BMC WEB operation and better with IPMITOOL experience.
User may login BIOS to check BMC IP address and connect RJ45 cable to link "IPMI" to network or DHCP server, and system needs to power up.
For BMC IP configuration, refer to How to setup BMC IP address via BIOS ?
Note: 1. Don't flash BMC & BIOS at power off mode.
2. Source server & SKY-7221 Server under same switch / network
BMC Firmware flashing method by WebUI
It can use Web Brower to flash SKY-7221 BMC firmware, when user needs using Web Brower to flash BMC firmware, it needs to get BMC IP by BIOS or “ipmitool lan print” command, or check on BIOS (Server Mgmt-->BMC network configuration) and following example is using chrome to demo “How to flash BMC & BIOS Firmware by WebUI".
NOTE: Use Incognito window
BMC WebUI login-in
Please key-in https://”BMC IP address“ in URL bar, and it will show “Your Connection is not Private”.
Please click HIDE ADVANCED, It will shows warning Message, please click “Proceed to “BMC IP” (unsafe)” to login SKY-7221 BMC WebUI
It will show WebUI login screen, please Key-in user name & password, following list is default user name & password. For security requirement, user needs changing password after first login.
Default username: admin
Default password: admin
Please choose Maintenance item of left side’s tool bar, it may look following Firmware upgraded & management items.
Reserve the BMC IP and IPMI profile before upgrade
Maintenance --> Preserve Configuration
Click Network and IPMI & Save
Following step is using *.IMA to flash BMC F/W, please don’t use *.img to flash BMC F/W, if user using mistake file type to flash BMC F/W, the BMC can’t work after flashing finish.
When use needs to flash BMC Firmware (IMA file type), please choose Dual Firmware Update segment from Maintenance item.
Suggesting user chooses Both Image when use needs to flash BMC Firmware, SKY-7221 support Dual BMC Firmware chip, if user chooses “Inactive Image”, “Image 1” or “Image 2”, it only flashes Firmware in a BMC chip, the other chip still keep previous Firmware.
If user needs to preserve all configurations, please click following item, or click “Edit Preserve Configuration” to choose preserve items, if customer doesn’t set preserve configurations, all items are load default setting after BMC Firmware upgraded finish.
If user sets BMC IP as static IP, it needs to choose Network item to keep “BMC IP settings”.
If user doesn’t preserve network setting at this step, BMC all setting will load default setting after BMC firmware upgraded finish, user needs using console-redirection or remote login system (ex: SSH) to re-set BMC IP address.
Please refer to How to set BMC IP address? to assign static IP
Please click “Choose File” Segment and choose BMC File (it only support IMA file type, file size:32MB) in remote control system.
When BMC Firmware setting are finish, please press “Start firmware update” to flash BMC Firmware,
It will pop a Conversation window to ask customer “We will start the firmware upgrade now. You will not be able to access BMC until it flashes and restarts. Do you want to continue?”
If customer agrees to flash BMC Firmware, please press OK to start Firmware flash,
It will upload BMC Firmware to BMC.
It will list following detail BMC firmware items after upload BMC Firmware in BMC, user may choose needing upgraded items, and we suggest upgrading all items during the BMC flashing.
Please don’t turn to other Web page during the BMC Firmware upload, and re-click the green bar (Flash selected sections) for FW flashing.
It will pop a conversation window after BMC Firmware flashing finish, please press OK to restart BMC, and Web UI will auto logout,
The BMC version will show upgraded Version in left side tool bar.
BIOS Firmware flashing method by Web UI
For BIOS upgrade, select the ICON with "BIOS update"
Following step is using *.BIN to flash BIOS F/W, please don’t use *.img to flash BIOS F/W, if user using mistake file type to flash BIOS F/W, the system can’t boot up after next boot up.
Select BIOS FW file.
Upload BIOS FW
Re-click the green bar for BIOS FW flashing
Upgrade SKY-7221 BMC.docxCopyright 2020 Advantech Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. Page
BIOS Version checking
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