1. Purpose:
This article provides different methods on how to copy files to a remote device.
2. Target Audience:
All users with basic skills on Linux environment.
3. Procedures:
Method 1: Copy a file from local system in Windows to remote system in Linux through USB flash.
Step A : After saving a file in USB flash, plug and mount the USB flash in Linux.
# lsblk
# mount /dev/sdX /mnt
Step B: Copy the file in Linux under the directory where user would like to.
# cp /mnt/[file_name] .
Method 2: Copy a file from local system in Windows to remote system in Linux using WinSCP.
Step A: WinSCP is under "c:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\winscp.exe".
Step B: Fill in Hostname of remote system in Linux, User name, and Password.
Hostname/IP address of remote system in Linux :
Step C: Press the Login button to connect to your account.
On the left side panel you can find all the files on local system in Windows.
On the right side panel displays the files and folders on remote system in Linux.
Step D: Right click on the file you want to upload and click Upload -> Upload.
Method 3: Copy a file from local system in Linux to remote system in Linux under /home directory using SCP command.
# scp [file_name] root@[remote IP address]:/home
For example :
[ Local system in Linux ]
# scp export_sys_log_with_bmc_v3.sh root@
[ Remote system in Linux ]
IP address of remote system in Linux :
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