It lists how to use AMI utility to flash FWA-1012VC/1112VC/1212VC BIOS for customer reference,
Target Audience:
For Advantech TSE, RBU AE, outsourcing service engineer(s) and End customer with the following knowledges :
- BIOS flashing troubleshooting experience
FWA-1012VC/FWA-1112VC/FWA-1212VC doesn’t have BMC to support remote BIOS flashing, it needs using AMI flash utility to upgrade BIOS, please refer following steps to flash these system's BIOS in UEFI shell.
For Intel utility, refer to URL link as below for internal only.
FWA-1012VC BIOS UEFI flash method – Advantech Cloud IoT Service Portal (zendesk.com)
- Download AMI Firmware Update utilities
AMI flashing utility Web: https://www.ami.com/bios-uefi-utilities/
Please link AMI web and download AMI Firmware Update utilities –“Aptio V”
- Flash BIOS file
Please copy FWA-1012VC BIOS file & AMI Firmware Update utilities (AfuEfix64.efi) in USB, and refer following step to flashing FWA-1012VC BIOS (FWA-1112VC BIOS flash can be checked in attachment file)
- Please login BIOS and choose “UEFI: Built-in EFI Shell” in Override.
- Please key-in command into FWA-1012 BIOS file folder which contains flash utility & BIOS file
Shell> fs0:
FS0:\> cd 1012
FS0:\1012\> cd ami
FS0:\1012\ami\> ls
Directory of: FS0:\1012\ami\
Directory of: FS0:\1012\ami\
11/02/2018 11:11 <DIR> 8,192 .
11/02/2018 11:11 <DIR> 8,192 ..
10/16/2018 17:31 555,632 AfuEfix64.efi
03/15/2019 17:30 16,777,216 1012VC0SS60E110.binn
2 File(s) 17,332,848 bytes
- Please key-in following command & parameters to flash FWA-1012 BIOS to E110, following step will flashes BIOS block, when utility shows “Process completed”, it means flashing BIOS finish.
FS0:\1012\ami\> AfuEfix64.efi 1012VC0SS60E110.bin /P /B /N /X
| AMI Firmware Update Utility v5.16.04.0135 |
| Copyright (c) 1985-2024, American Megatrends International LLC. |
| All rights reserved. Subject to AMI licensing agreement. |
Reading flash ...................... Done
- ME Data Size Checking ............ Pass
- FFS Checksums .................... Pass
- Check RomLayout .................. Pass
Erasing Main Block ................. Done
Updating Main Block ................ Done
Verifying Main Block ............... Done
Erasing Boot Block ................. Done
Updating Boot Block ................ Done
Verifying Boot Block ............... Done
Erasing NVRAM Block ................ Done
Updating NVRAM Block ............... Done
Verifying NVRAM Block .............. Done
Please power off, wait 2~3 seconds, and power on system again, system doesn’t power up immediately after flashing BIOS, it needs waiting new BIOS scanning configuration ( 30~50 seconds). Few times auto reboot is normal behaviors, but should not be in dead lock (endless reboot)
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