Release NVM update package for PCIE-2230 target version from 6.01 or 8.1 to 9.1
Target Audience
Everyone who needs to update PCIE-2230 NVM from 6.01 or 8.1 to 9.1
1. Advantech hardware PCIE-2230 with nvm version 6.01 or 8.1 (package in this FAQ supports upgrade from 6.01 , 8.1 to 9.1 only. Plz contact Advantech supports for updating from those versions which are older than 6.01)
2. Linux based OS
3. i40e driver up to 2.21.12 or above (see driver requirement)
1. Download PCIE2230_6p01_8p1_To_9p1_1.39.20.2.zip from attachment, unzip and get in folder.
2. Check i40e driver is 2.21.12 or above
[root@FWA-6170 PCIE2230_6p01_8p1_To_9p1_1.39.20.2]# ./nvmupdate64e -V
Intel(R) Ethernet NVM Update Tool
NVMUpdate version
Copyright(C) 2013 - 2022 Intel Corporation.
igb - 5.6.0-k
ixgbe - 5.1.0-k-rh8.2.0
i40e - 2.21.12
ice - 0.8.1-k
3. Check current nvm version from one of Ethernet device of PCIE-2230 (bafp0 as an example in below)
[root@FWA-6170 PCIE2230_6p01_8p1_To_9p1_1.39.20.2]# ethtool -i bafp0
driver: i40e
version: 2.21.12
firmware-version: 6.01 0x800035d5 0.0.0
bus-info: 0000:af:00.0
supports-statistics: yes
supports-test: yes
supports-eeprom-access: yes
supports-register-dump: yes
supports-priv-flags: yes
3. Run following command to execute update process ; The dashboard will list down which device is available to be updated. From case in below, the 4th device the target device to be updated. The warning output from i40e during NVM update can be ignored.
[root@FWA-6170 PCIE2230_6p01_8p1_To_9p1_1.39.20.2]# ./nvmupdate64e -l 2230_9p1.log
Intel(R) Ethernet NVM Update Tool
NVMUpdate version
Copyright(C) 2013 - 2022 Intel Corporation.
WARNING: To avoid damage to your device, do not stop the update or reboot or power off the system during this update.
Inventory in progress. Please wait [****......]
Num Description Ver.(hex) DevId S:B Status
=== ================================== ============ ===== ====== ==============
01) Intel(R) I210 Gigabit Network 3.37(3.25) 1533 00:001 Update not
Connection available
02) Intel(R) I210 Gigabit Network 3.37(3.25) 1533 00:002 Update not
Connection available
03) Intel(R) Ethernet Connection X722 3.29(3.1D) 37D3 00:063 Update not
for 10GbE SFP+ available
04) Intel(R) Ethernet Converged 6.01(6.01) 1572 00:175 Update
Network Adapter X710 available
Options: Adapter Index List (comma-separated), [A]ll, e[X]it
Enter selection: 4
Would you like to back up the NVM images? [Y]es/[N]o: n
Update in progress. This operation may take several minutes.
[ 410.842570] i40e 0000:af:00.0: Reset Requested! (EMPR)
[ 410.862652] i40e 0000:af:00.1: Reset Requested! (EMPR)
[ 410.882717] i40e 0000:af:00.2: Reset Requested! (EMPR)
[ 410.902791] i40e 0000:af:00.3: Reset Requested! (EMPR)
[ 411.086346] i40e 0000:af:00.0: VF BW shares not restored
[ 411.826348] i40e 0000:af:00.2: VF BW shares not restored
[ 411.829256] i40e 0000:af:00.3: VF BW shares not restored
[ 411.832050] i40e 0000:af:00.1: VF BW shares not restored
Num Description Ver.(hex) DevId S:B Status
=== ================================== ============ ===== ====== ==============
01) Intel(R) I210 Gigabit Network 3.37(3.25) 1533 00:001 Update not
Connection available
02) Intel(R) I210 Gigabit Network 3.37(3.25) 1533 00:002 Update not
Connection available
03) Intel(R) Ethernet Connection X722 3.29(3.1D) 37D3 00:063 Update not
for 10GbE SFP+ available
04) Intel(R) Ethernet Converged 9.16(9.10) 1572 00:175 Update
Network Adapter X710 successful
Power Cycle is required to complete the update process.
Tool execution completed with the following status: All operations completed successfully.
Press any key to exit.
4. Wait few minutes for completing the upgrade process, you will find “All operations completed successfully” shown on screen after it completed, and follow the message to exit the utility.
5. Power OFF and ON this PCIE-2230 NIC Card to apply the changes.
6. Check nvm version from one of Ethernet device of PCIE-2230 (bafp0 as an example)
[root@FWA-6170 ~]# ethtool -i bafp0
driver: i40e
version: 2.21.12
firmware-version: 9.10 0x8000d76c 0.0.0
bus-info: 0000:af:00.0
supports-statistics: yes
supports-test: yes
supports-eeprom-access: yes
supports-register-dump: yes
supports-priv-flags: yes
7. Check further info of updated Advantech network device (Assume device PCIE-2230 on bus af:00.0)
[root@FWA-6170 ~]# lspci -xxx -s af:00.0 |head -n 4
af:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Controller X710 for 10GbE SFP+ (rev 02)
00: 86 80 72 15 46 05 10 00 02 00 00 02 08 00 80 00
10: 0c 00 00 bf 01 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 80 81 bf
20: 01 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 fe 13 20 a0
[root@FWA-6170 ~]# lspci -vvv -s af:00.0 |head -n 4
af:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Controller X710 for 10GbE SFP+ (rev 02)
Subsystem: Advantech Co. Ltd Device a020
[root@FWA-6170 ~]# lspci -vvv -s af:00.0 |grep -i "Vendor specific"
[V0] Vendor specific: N440
[V1] Vendor specific: V9.10
[V2] Vendor specific: V9.10.01
[root@FWA-6170 PCIE2230_6p01_8p1_To_9p1_1.39.20.2]# ./nvmupdate64e -i -o |grep VPD
<VPDField type="String">Example VPD</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="V0"></VPDField>
<VPDField type="Checksum" key="RV">D7</VPDField>
<VPDField type="String">Example VPD</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="V0"></VPDField>
<VPDField type="Checksum" key="RV">D7</VPDField>
<VPDField type="String">PCIE-2230NP</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="MN">13FE</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="V0">N440</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="V1">V9.10</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="V2">V9.10.01</VPDField>
<VPDField type="String">PCIE-2230NP</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="MN">13FE</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="V0">N440</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="V1">V9.10</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="V2">V9.10.01</VPDField>
<VPDField type="String">PCIE-2230NP</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="MN">13FE</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="V0">N440</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="V1">V9.10</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="V2">V9.10.01</VPDField>
<VPDField type="String">PCIE-2230NP</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="MN">13FE</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="V0">N440</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="V1">V9.10</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="V2">V9.10.01</VPDField>
[root@FWA-6170 home]# ./bootutil64e
Intel(R) Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility
BootUtil version
Copyright (C) 2003-2021 Intel Corporation
Type BootUtil -? for help
Port Network Address Location Series WOL Flash Firmware Version
==== =============== ======== ======= === ============================= =======
1 C400ADA9D940 1:00.0 Gigabit NO FLASH Not Present
2 C400ADA9D941 2:00.0 Gigabit NO FLASH Not Present
3 C400ADA9D942 63:00.0 40GbE YES FLASH Unknown
4 C400ADA9D943 63:00.1 40GbE YES FLASH Unknown
5 C400AD6170AA 175:00.0 40GbE YES FLASH Unknown
6 C400AD6170AB 175:00.1 40GbE YES FLASH Unknown
7 C400AD6170AC 175:00.2 40GbE YES FLASH Unknown
8 C400AD6170AD 175:00.3 40GbE YES FLASH Unknown
Appedix :
Please refer to the following table to check network driver version and upgrade the latest driver.
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