Release NVM update package for NMC4007LR target version from 6.80/7.20/8.10 to 9.00
Target Audience
Everyone who needs to update NMC4007LR from 6.80/7.20/8.10 to 9.00
Minimum requirement
- The package in this FAQ supports upgrade from 6.80/7.20/8.10 to 9.00 only. When customer's NMC-4007LR is older NVM (ex: 6.01), please contact Advantech supports for updating from those versions which are older than 6.80/7.20/8.10
- Linux based OS
- i40e driver up to 2.15.12 or above (see driver requirement)
1. Download NMC-4007LRNVM900.tgz from attachment
2. Check current nvm version from one of Ethernet device of NMC4007LR (bb1p0 as an example)
example 1: NVM 6.80
# ethtool -i b60p0
driver: i40e
version: 2.15.9
firmware-version: 6.80 0x80003ce6 0.0.0
bus-info: 0000:b1:00.0
supports-statistics: yes
supports-test: yes
supports-eeprom-access: yes
supports-register-dump: yes
supports-priv-flags: yes
example 2: NVM 7.20
# ethtool -i b60p0
driver: i40e
version: 2.15.9
firmware-version: 7.20 0x80007a01 0.0.0
bus-info: 0000:b1:00.0
supports-statistics: yes
supports-test: yes
supports-eeprom-access: yes
supports-register-dump: yes
supports-priv-flags: yes
example 3: NVM 8.10
# ethtool -i bb1p0
driver: i40e
version: 2.15.9
firmware-version: 8.10 0x80009e48 0.0.0
bus-info: 0000:b1:00.0
supports-statistics: yes
supports-test: yes
supports-eeprom-access: yes
supports-register-dump: yes
supports-priv-flags: yes
3. Get in unzipped folder and run following command to execute update process. You should understand which device is available to be updated.
"-l nmc-4007lr.log" specifies the log file for recording output from the nvmupdate utility, if NMC can't success to update NVM file, please forward this log file to Advantech FAE (support@advantech-ncg.zendesk.com ),
# ./nvmupdate64e -l nmc-4007lr.log
Intel(R) Ethernet NVM Update Tool
NVMUpdate version
Copyright(C) 2013 - 2022 Intel Corporation.
WARNING: To avoid damage to your device, do not stop the update or reboot or power off the system during this update.
Inventory in progress. Please wait [****......]
Num Description Ver.(hex) DevId S:B Status
=== ================================== ============ ===== ====== ==============
01) Intel(R) I210 Gigabit Network 3.37(3.25) 1533 00:001 Update not
Connection available
02) Intel(R) I210 Gigabit Network 3.37(3.25) 1533 00:002 Update not
Connection available
03) Intel(R) Ethernet Connection X722 3.29(3.1D) 37D3 00:063 Update not
for 10GbE SFP+ available
04) Intel(R) Ethernet Controller X710 6.128(6.80) 1572 00:177 Update
for 10GbE SFP+ available
Options: Adapter Index List (comma-separated), [A]ll, e[X]it
Enter selection: 04 04 <-please key-in NMC-4007LR (X710) ID number
Would you like to back up the NVM images? [Y]es/[N]o: Y y <- suggest key-in y to backup old NVM
Update in progress. This operation may take several minutes.
[****[ 1287.099501] i40e 0000:b1:00.0: Reset Requested! (EMPR)
[ 1287.113107] i40e 0000:b1:00.2: Reset Requested! (EMPR)
[ 1287.344647] i40e 0000:b1:00.0: VF BW shares not restored
[ 1288.356757] i40e 0000:b1:00.3: Reset Requested! (EMPR)
[ 1289.365075] i40e 0000:b1:00.1: Reset Requested! (EMPR)
[ 1289.587158] i40e 0000:b1:00.2: VF BW shares not restored
[ 1289.838588] i40e 0000:b1:00.3: VF BW shares not restored
[ 1290.094700] i40e 0000:b1:00.1: VF BW shares not restored ....******
Num Description Ver.(hex) DevId S:B Status
=== ================================== ============ ===== ====== ==============
01) Intel(R) I210 Gigabit Network 3.37(3.25) 1533 00:001 Update not
Connection available
02) Intel(R) I210 Gigabit Network 3.37(3.25) 1533 00:002 Update not
Connection available
03) Intel(R) Ethernet Connection X722 3.29(3.1D) 37D3 00:063 Update not
for 10GbE SFP+ available
04) Intel(R) Ethernet Controller X710 9.00(9.00) 1572 00:177 Update
for 10GbE SFP+ successful
Power Cycle is required to complete the update process.
Tool execution completed with the following status: All operations completed successfully.
Press any key to exit.
- Wait few minutes for completing the upgrade process, you will find “All operations completed successfully” shown on screen after it completed, and follow the message to exit the utility.
- Power OFF and ON to apply the changes.
- Check nvm version from one of Ethernet device of NMC4007LR (bdap0 as an example)
# ethtool -i bdap0
driver: i40e
version: 2.15.9
firmware-version: 9.00 0x8000c8fa 0.0.0
bus-info: 0000:b1:00.0
supports-statistics: yes
supports-test: yes
supports-eeprom-access: yes
supports-register-dump: yes
supports-priv-flags: yes
- Check VPD info from Advantech network device (Assume device NMC1010 on bus b1:00.0)
# lspci -s b1:00.0 -vvv |grep -i "Vendor specific"
[V0] Vendor specific: N442
[V1] Vendor specific: V9.00
[V2] Vendor specific: V9.00.01
Check SVID: 13FE and SDID: 0026 with the command.
# ./nvmupdate64e -i -o
<Instance vendor="8086" device="1572" subdevice="0026" subvendor="13FE" bus="177" dev="0" func="0" PBA="005700-000" port_id="Port 1 of 4" display="Intel(R) Ethernet Controller X710 for 10GbE SFP+">
<Module type="NVM" version="8000C8FA" update="0">
<Module type="RO" update="0">
<VPDField type="String">NMC-4007</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="MN">13FE</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="V0">N442</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="V1">V9.00</VPDField>
<VPDField type="Readable" key="V2">V9.00.01</VPDField>
<MAC address="74FE482AA061">
<SAN address="000000000200">
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